Eagle F-15. ECM Electronic Counter Measures -- Actions taken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of their electronic systems. electro-optical view A cathode-ray display screen consisting of a series of focusing lenses, a vidicon tube, and a transmitter. elevon An airplane control surface that combines the functions of elevator and aileron. empennage The tail assembly of an airplane, including the fin, rudder, elevators, etc. escape window A pilot's safe path out of a fight. It represents the chance of safely separating from the fight. EW radar Early Warning radar. FAB Fugasnaya Awiatsyonna Bomba -- Russian designation for "general purpose bomb." fatigue life The length of time that a material can be acted upon by a constant force and remain structurally intact. fighter jock Slang for a fighter pilot. fire and forget Designates a self-guided weapon. Fishbed MiG-21.